Wednesday 2 April 2014


Hello, it has been one year since my last post. 
2013 was one of the most memorable year in my life so far. I graduated from university, walked out of a relationship, travelled 6 countries, and received a job offer recently. 

This past year, I have experienced one of the hardest days of my life. In that period, when I went to bed at night, I kept crying and could not get things out of my mind. I didn't know how I ended up sleeping these days. I remembered I burst into tears on the very last day of the year when all the memories of 2013 were flashing back. 

And one morning, my dear friend visited me, she just likely cheered me up and told me what she was thinking and wanted me to know. After that, my heart just lifted. I realised that sometimes I kept asking myself: "What does that mean?" when in my head I already knew the answer. Things were not that hard, just me who did not want to try. I feel like I've grown up a lot. If I could turn back time to change anything I want, it would not even be an option for me to change any because I know everything was brought to me for a reason. And I'm so thankful for all the past and present moments. :) 

Take a chance because you never know what might happen. Things turn for the better at the time you least expect it. Thing I never thought i'd do, turn out to be the best thing I've ever had.

This year, I promise myself to blog more, cook more, keep living healthy ,  share more; get something off my chest and get it out there more often. 

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