Tuesday 15 May 2012

Sharing my hobby (Photography)

As you can see in my profile on the blog, I love everything related to beauty :). And, photography is one of my passion related to this love. Some beautiful moments vanishes after a blink of an eye and camera is a magic tool to help people treasure their moments forever. 
I remember that I had always wanted to have my own professional camera for so long. But I never asked my parents for it. Because in my mind, camera was very expensive and as I was a student, I just needed a simple digital camera for my social life. And I thought my parents might get confused if I said I wanted a proper camera because I didn't know anything about photography, then I might get bored and forget about it soon. But my mum didn't think in this way, she believes I have a true love with photography and art. Soon after my 20 b-day, she helped me get my first camera ever (Canon Kiss X3). My mum said since I was studying far away from home, I could use this camera to share joys and sorrows of my life through photos:).
There are so many different genres of photography but I am into Street photography - random moments of people around here and there; or beautiful small things in nature  that sometimes because of busy life we have inadvertently forgotten. 

Early in da morning - I took this picture very early in the morning near my house. The lighting was beautiful but not too hard and dazzling which I love. Everytime, when i look at this, it makes me feel so happy, fresh and energetic.

Dear, little spider! How can you live on a super thin net in the middle of nowhere? Look calm and peaceful indeed.

Kelvin loves ice-cream so much. If I ask him : "ice-cream or me?" maybe he'll choose ice-cream (I guess :p )

.POP of colour.

That's lovely!

smell the flowers, hear the birds, feel the breeze on your skin

Cycle of nature - Cycle of life, isn't it? Sad! But deal with it.

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