Saturday 7 April 2012

Hello Easter!

It's Easter, finally! Whoopp whooooo! I'm getting so excited 'cause I have one week holiday afterwards, so no work, no need to get up early in da morning, just chill out and relax yay x!
The weather is quite cold n' gloomy this week but luckily, on Friday it had "a few rays" of warm sunshine =). Me and Kelvin decided to go in Central London. We had lunch first, then went shopping for a bit, later on Kelvin got a haircut while me was waiting and enjoy the sunshine alone =). We ended the day with dinner at a Korean restaurant called Kimchee in Holborn. I love the decoration in the restaurant while the food is just ok compared to other Korean restaurant I've been.

On the next day, I spent time with my cousin and her friends. We got the 2FOR1 London Offers so we decided to go to Madame Tussauds. Unfortunately, the queue were awful long. A staff told us that we need wait at least 2 hrs. So we moved to 'London Bridge Experience & Tombs' - No.1 London scariest attraction. I was really scared when I saw the duration was 1hr15 (overwhelm to me!). But to the end, everything was fine, it was scared, I did scream but not to too horrible as I thought. Such a good experience =).  Then after we went for dinner at Mai sushi (Vietnamese owner)  near Euston station. Everyone was hungry 'cause we lost a lot of energy from screaming and running. The food was delicious. Of course, I ate a lot, especially 'the scallop in creamy sauce' was so yummy yummy yummy.  Then, good nite for now! Xx

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